Chancellerie Suisse

Chancellerie Suisse Alger2014

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Babl Alger Leo1

Under Construction, Leo Fabrizio

Babl Alger 22

Façade of the chan­cellery in construction.

Babl Alger 29

La Gruyère en descente. 

Peasants car­ry­ing large cheeses des­cend­ing down an Alpine path’. The same image applies to the new chan­cellery, where count­less peas­ants bear the roof over a Garden of Even.

Babl Alger 33

Existing stairs.

Babl Alger 34B

Garden of Even.

Babl Alger 15B

Dancing swiss crosses.

The build­ing struc­ture is cre­ated by a dense ring of dan­cing columns upon which the roof is placed, evok­ing the clas­sic image of a cary­at­id in a gym­nast­ic effort.

The X‑shaped columns are 26 Swiss crosses (as the num­ber of dif­fer­ent can­tons in Switzerland) togeth­er form­ing a com­plex struc­ture recall­ing fili­gree abstract motifs of Arabic art. Made of gran­ules of marble and white cement, the arma­ture is rein­forced in the diag­on­als to secure the build­ing of hori­zont­al forces dur­ing intens­ive earth­quake expos­ure cur­rent in Alger.

Babl Alger 27B


Babl Alger 40B

Gymnastic effort.

Babl Alger 39

Model of the con­crete and the inner oiled oak wood façade.

Babl Alger 37


Babl Alger 36


Babl Alger 1

Plan de situation 

Babl Alger 2

Rez inférieur

Babl Alger 3

Rez supérieur

Babl Alger 4

1er étage

Babl Alger 6


Babl Alger 5


Babl Alger 21
Babl Alger 17
Babl Alger 18
Babl Alger 19
Babl Alger 7
Babl Alger 16

Two golden teeth.

Babl Alger 13
Babl Alger 10
Babl Alger 11
Babl Alger 12
Babl Alger 9

In-between Switzerland & Algeria.

Babl Alger 14
Babl Alger 20
Babl Alger Leo1
Babl Alger 22
Babl Alger 29

Peasants car­ry­ing large cheeses des­cend­ing down an Alpine path’. The same image applies to the new chan­cellery, where count­less peas­ants bear the roof over a Garden of Even.

Babl Alger 33
Babl Alger 34B
Babl Alger 15B

The build­ing struc­ture is cre­ated by a dense ring of dan­cing columns upon which the roof is placed, evok­ing the clas­sic image of a cary­at­id in a gym­nast­ic effort.

The X‑shaped columns are 26 Swiss crosses (as the num­ber of dif­fer­ent can­tons in Switzerland) togeth­er form­ing a com­plex struc­ture recall­ing fili­gree abstract motifs of Arabic art. Made of gran­ules of marble and white cement, the arma­ture is rein­forced in the diag­on­als to secure the build­ing of hori­zont­al forces dur­ing intens­ive earth­quake expos­ure cur­rent in Alger.

Babl Alger 27B
Babl Alger 40B
Babl Alger 39
Babl Alger 37
Babl Alger 36
Babl Alger 1
Babl Alger 2
Babl Alger 3
Babl Alger 4
Babl Alger 6
Babl Alger 5
Babl Alger 21
Babl Alger 17
Babl Alger 18
Babl Alger 19
Babl Alger 7
Babl Alger 16
Babl Alger 13
Babl Alger 10
Babl Alger 11
Babl Alger 12
Babl Alger 9
Babl Alger 14
Babl Alger 20