Galerie Selz

Galerie Selz Perrefitte2002

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Babl Selz 01

Gallery in the Jura for a retired sur­geon, act­ive in the arts. Related to the entrance, dir­ectly con­nec­ted to the vil­lage, a con­crete office space gen­er­ated by a gen­er­ous bath­room in the middle (once the two doors open). Upstairs, a wooden pho­to­graph­ic cham­ber with two ident­ic lenses; one to the south, one to the north, pro­vok­ing dif­fer­ent light and exhib­i­tion con­di­tions. The black tar on the façade shelves is painted by the cli­ent itself as an act of med­it­at­ive appropriation.

Babl Selz 07
Babl Selz 12 170627 070057


Babl Selz 11 170627 070527


Babl Selz 05 170627 070544

Les volets ouverts.

Babl Selz 06

Les volets fermés.

Babl Selz 04 170627 070134

Sortie dans le jardin.

Babl Selz 03
Babl Selz 02

La vue vers la lam­pa­daire publique

Babl Selz 01

Gallery in the Jura for a retired sur­geon, act­ive in the arts. Related to the entrance, dir­ectly con­nec­ted to the vil­lage, a con­crete office space gen­er­ated by a gen­er­ous bath­room in the middle (once the two doors open). Upstairs, a wooden pho­to­graph­ic cham­ber with two ident­ic lenses; one to the south, one to the north, pro­vok­ing dif­fer­ent light and exhib­i­tion con­di­tions. The black tar on the façade shelves is painted by the cli­ent itself as an act of med­it­at­ive appropriation.

Babl Selz 07
Babl Selz 12 170627 070057
Babl Selz 11 170627 070527
Babl Selz 05 170627 070544
Babl Selz 06
Babl Selz 04 170627 070134
Babl Selz 03
Babl Selz 02