Théâtre du Jorat

Théâtre du Jorat Mézières (VD)2011

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Babl Jorat 07

Study for the exten­sion of the his­tor­ic­al théatre du Jorat’, a theatre, an opera house con­struc­ted com­pletely in wood like an agri­cul­tur­al barn in the idyll­ic coun­tryside above Lausanne for the nation­al exhib­i­tion of 1907. Our pro­pos­al con­sists in an addi­tion of two Stöckli’ beside the grand theatre volume form­ing an out­er space which tends to fuse with the sur­round­ing fields and tries to artic­u­late the pub­lic space of the vil­lage of Mézière.

À l’intérieur sur la scène…

Babl Jorat 000
Babl Jorat 06
Babl Jorat 01
Babl Jorat 02
Babl Jorat 010

A Stöckli’- coun­tryside — logic, an addi­tion of wooden barns in dif­fer­ent scales.

Babl Jorat 09
Babl Jorat 07

Study for the exten­sion of the his­tor­ic­al théatre du Jorat’, a theatre, an opera house con­struc­ted com­pletely in wood like an agri­cul­tur­al barn in the idyll­ic coun­tryside above Lausanne for the nation­al exhib­i­tion of 1907. Our pro­pos­al con­sists in an addi­tion of two Stöckli’ beside the grand theatre volume form­ing an out­er space which tends to fuse with the sur­round­ing fields and tries to artic­u­late the pub­lic space of the vil­lage of Mézière.

À l’intérieur sur la scène…

Babl Jorat 000
Babl Jorat 06
Babl Jorat 01
Babl Jorat 02
Babl Jorat 010

A Stöckli’- coun­tryside — logic, an addi­tion of wooden barns in dif­fer­ent scales.

Babl Jorat 09