Pavillons en bronze

Pavillons en bronze Genève2008

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Babl Rade 029 170331 160058
Babl Rade 036

L’assasinat de Sisi sur la Rade.

For us the cruel stabbing of Sisi on the Rade of Geneva in 1898, was dis­rep­ut­able and dol­or­ous of course, but seen with tour­ist­ic­al eyes, highly romantic. This import­ant moment in his­tory of the Rade inspired us to charge the pavil­lons with a mem­or­able touch of nos­talghia. The Rade is some­how an exten­sion on both side of the lake of the pic­tur­esque eng­lish garden edi­fied in the same peri­od as Sisi’s pas­sage. In our eyes the pavil­lons should trans­port this rela­tion­ship to time and space by it’s form and materialisation.

Bronze is a typ­ic­al pub­lic mater­i­al mostly used for sculp­tures. The Rade is already full of it, souven­irs of monu­ment­al moments in his­tory. We dis­covered as well small infra­struc­tur­al wooden con­struc­tions on old pho­to­graphs of the Rade. Those build­ings were all per­pen­dic­u­lar to the shore and were covered with double pitched roofs. We took over the romantic lon­git­ud­in­al form and tried, with this very com­mon form, to lift the expres­sion by a mater­i­al­isa­tion in bronze which make them more extra­vag­ant, more monu­ment­al. One pro­to­type for ice cream was con­struc­ted and clad­ded with pre­pat­in­ated bronze sheets. Over 5 years dur­ing the sum­mer­time the pro­to­type was loc­ated on the rade. During winter it served tem­por­ar­ily as well as a meth­adon spend­ing sta­tion for drug addicts in the sub­urbs of Geneva.

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L’implantation des pavillons.

Rade Ge 4

Romulus & Remus /​Gomulus & Genus. On se nour­it sous la bronze..

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Le bronze, sub­stance publique..

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Sisi devant le pavillon.

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Même mod­ule,

dif­fer­ent tâches… 

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Plan d’un pavil­lon de glaçe.

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Détail en haut.

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Détail en bas. Le pavil­lon s’ad­apte au niveaux.

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La sous structure,

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est revêtue de laiton bronze.

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Le pat­in­age,

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trem­pez exactement 

23 secondes…

Rade Ge 3

Il arrive…

14 Rade Ge 02 Ausschnitt H
Babl Rade 030
Babl Rade 029 170331 160058
Babl Rade 036

For us the cruel stabbing of Sisi on the Rade of Geneva in 1898, was dis­rep­ut­able and dol­or­ous of course, but seen with tour­ist­ic­al eyes, highly romantic. This import­ant moment in his­tory of the Rade inspired us to charge the pavil­lons with a mem­or­able touch of nos­talghia. The Rade is some­how an exten­sion on both side of the lake of the pic­tur­esque eng­lish garden edi­fied in the same peri­od as Sisi’s pas­sage. In our eyes the pavil­lons should trans­port this rela­tion­ship to time and space by it’s form and materialisation.

Bronze is a typ­ic­al pub­lic mater­i­al mostly used for sculp­tures. The Rade is already full of it, souven­irs of monu­ment­al moments in his­tory. We dis­covered as well small infra­struc­tur­al wooden con­struc­tions on old pho­to­graphs of the Rade. Those build­ings were all per­pen­dic­u­lar to the shore and were covered with double pitched roofs. We took over the romantic lon­git­ud­in­al form and tried, with this very com­mon form, to lift the expres­sion by a mater­i­al­isa­tion in bronze which make them more extra­vag­ant, more monu­ment­al. One pro­to­type for ice cream was con­struc­ted and clad­ded with pre­pat­in­ated bronze sheets. Over 5 years dur­ing the sum­mer­time the pro­to­type was loc­ated on the rade. During winter it served tem­por­ar­ily as well as a meth­adon spend­ing sta­tion for drug addicts in the sub­urbs of Geneva.

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Rade Ge 4
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Rade Ge 3
14 Rade Ge 02 Ausschnitt H
Babl Rade 030