Villa Maraini

Villa Maraini Roma2012

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Babl Rome 14

Competition entry for the con­ver­sion of the Swiss Institute (an Artist in Residence Complex) in the Villa Maraini; work of the Swiss archi­tect Otto Maraini, broth­er of Emilio Maraini, a for­tuned indus­tri­al­ist from Lugano, known for hav­ing intro­duced with great suc­cess in Italy the pro­duc­tion of sug­ar from beet. The villa was built in 1903-05. The villa, which was donated in 1946 by the wid­ow of Maraini, Carolina Maraini Sommaruga to the Swiss Confederation, stands on an arti­fi­cial hill and is sur­moun­ted by a Belvedere Tower, which boasts a 360-degree view of Rome and its sur­round­ings. The build­ing draws on the tra­di­tion of Roman vil­las. The dec­or­a­tions of the build­ing con­sist of ori­gin­als and cop­ies of antique sculp­tures. The main idea was to con­nect under­neath the earth the base­ment of the Villa with the recently con­struc­ted res­id­ence /​work­shop-stu­dio build­ing situ­ated on the bor­der of the plot. References as the Boullé sug­ar-cake of Peter Greenaway, the Catacombs and Piranesi’s Carceri were very close while work­ing on the project.

Babl Rome 09
Babl Rome 02
Babl Rome 05
Babl Rome 04
Babl Rome 01
Babl Rome 10
Babl Rome 20

Title of the com­pet­i­tion entry: Barbabietola

Babl Rome 22

Barone Emilio Maraini with his wife and broth­er Otto, the archi­tect, who’s tak­ing the pic­ture, and the driver… on search for sugar… 

Babl Rome 21
Babl Rome 11

Piranesi’s under­ground world.

Babl Rome 07
Babl Rome 18
Babl Rome 16
Babl Rome 15
Babl Rome 19
Babl Rome 14

Competition entry for the con­ver­sion of the Swiss Institute (an Artist in Residence Complex) in the Villa Maraini; work of the Swiss archi­tect Otto Maraini, broth­er of Emilio Maraini, a for­tuned indus­tri­al­ist from Lugano, known for hav­ing intro­duced with great suc­cess in Italy the pro­duc­tion of sug­ar from beet. The villa was built in 1903-05. The villa, which was donated in 1946 by the wid­ow of Maraini, Carolina Maraini Sommaruga to the Swiss Confederation, stands on an arti­fi­cial hill and is sur­moun­ted by a Belvedere Tower, which boasts a 360-degree view of Rome and its sur­round­ings. The build­ing draws on the tra­di­tion of Roman vil­las. The dec­or­a­tions of the build­ing con­sist of ori­gin­als and cop­ies of antique sculp­tures. The main idea was to con­nect under­neath the earth the base­ment of the Villa with the recently con­struc­ted res­id­ence /​work­shop-stu­dio build­ing situ­ated on the bor­der of the plot. References as the Boullé sug­ar-cake of Peter Greenaway, the Catacombs and Piranesi’s Carceri were very close while work­ing on the project.

Babl Rome 09
Babl Rome 02
Babl Rome 05
Babl Rome 04
Babl Rome 01
Babl Rome 10
Babl Rome 20
Babl Rome 22
Babl Rome 21
Babl Rome 11
Babl Rome 07
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Babl Rome 15
Babl Rome 19